Spilling the Beans with WriteGirl Interns

Written by WriteGirl Mentees Melissa M., Age 17 and Sara T., Age 17


There are many opportunities presented to us as interns at the WriteGirl office and participating in skill-building workshops is one of them. We love the workshops that we’ve had here at WriteGirl with Liz Prescott. She brings a unique perspective to the office and is happy to share her knowledge with all the interns.

Our first workshop was on phone skills.  We learned how important it is to be professional because we’re representing a company. Remember when answering the phone make sure you sound polite.  A good tip is to always smile when answering a phone call. Something else to remember is that you shouldn’t hesitate to ask questions if you are unsure of what the caller is saying because you always want to deliver the message correctly if needed and give the caller accurate information.

Another wonderful workshop that we had was on networking. We do it all the time on a social level with our friends at parties or even Facebook, but we now understand the importance of meeting new people and networking on a professional level. Through networking, we are building relationships with professionals that are mutually beneficial to us and to the people we are meeting. This person may one day recommend you for a job position, internship, or another professional opportunity. Even though it may sound scary always try to push yourself to try and meet at least one new person at an event.

Something that may come in handy to remember when meeting new people is to keep your right hand free of food or drinks so that you are able to shake people’s hands. It’s not a very good idea to keep your headphones on because you may seem like you’re isolating yourself.

We are happy we could share what we learned with you. Keep checking for our updates we’ll have more tips to share!